
Liechtenstein is a principality and is located between Switzerland and Austria. About 40,000 people live here. With 160 square kilometers it is the fourth smallest state in Europe and the sixth smallest in the world.

Political System

Das Buch "Fürst und Volk" bzw. der Link geben einen umfassenden Überblick über die liechtensteinische Staatskunde.

A good overview of the political system of Liechtenstein has been compiled by "aha - Tips and Info for Young People".

Princely House

Liechtenstein is a constitutional hereditary monarchy on a democratic parliamentary basis. This means that the position and duties of the Prince are laid down in the constitution and he decides on laws together with the parliament (= Landtag) elected by the people.


The Landtag (Parliament) is elected by the people of Liechtenstein. The Landtag consists of 25 deputies. Together with the Prince, the Landtag forms the legislature. The Parliament participates in legislation and deals with State treaties. It controls the entire state administration.


The Government is the supreme executive body of Liechtenstein. It carries out what is written in various laws. The Government consists of 5 persons: A head of government and 4 government councilors.
It is appointed for a period of 4 years. The government has its seat in the Liechtenstein capital Vaduz. You can find out who is in the government here:


There are several courts in Liechtenstein for private criminal law. The regional court, the high court and the Supreme Court.
For public law, there is the Administrative Court and the State Court.
The courts have their seat in Vaduz.

Legal advice

In simple cases, the court interns give free legal advice. They draft motions, complaints and other submissions, sometimes also appeals and legal remedies. Legal advice is given orally and in German.

Procedural assistance

Courts of public law are the Administrative Court and the State Court. Procedural assistance may be requested for proceedings before the State Court under certain conditions.