
Liechtenstein offers a very high quality of life. The offers for the different situations in life as well as the scenic, cultural and economic possibilities are enormous.


In Liechtenstein there are many offers for families and living communities. Various institutions offer many activities and projects. They all want families in Liechtenstein to do well.
What kind of support is available for families in Liechtenstein?
What should be considered, for example, in the event of a separation?
Here you will find an overview with contacts to counseling centers, legal factors and much more:

You will find a lot of useful information and offers concerning family life in Liechtenstein on the family portal.

Family support

Family support means that families are supported with money, among other things.
For example, there is money when a baby is born. This is called birth allowance.
In addition, families receive child benefit every month.
But there is also support for people with a disability or also for old people.
Detailed information on family support can be found here:

Pregnancy and birth / Maternity

Documents and records

When a baby is born, various documents and papers are needed. These and much more information, for the time before and after a birth, can be found here. This includes maternity, prenatal care, birth certificate, clarification of custody and much more.

On the page of the family you will find information about medical care, courses and events, counseling services and childcare.

The specialist center offers pregnancy counseling in Liechtenstein. A team of experienced counselors informs, advises and supports pregnant women, men and couples. They conduct counseling sessions for questions, concerns or problems related to pregnancy and birth. The service is free of charge and anonymous upon request.

Parental leave / Sick pay for maternity / Maternity allowance

Maternity protection

Mothers need to be protected after giving birth.
Then they do not go to work. This is called maternity protection. Maternity protection lasts a total of
20 weeks. If a mother worked before giving birth, she is entitled to a daily allowance.
The mother then receives 80% of her salary during this time.

Parental leave

Both parents are entitled to parental leave. Each parent may take four months of parental leave. Together they are entitled to eight months. Parental leave is unpaid. There is a new EU directive. It says that Liechtenstein must introduce a two-week paid paternity leave.

    Maternity allowance

    There are mothers who are not entitled to receive a daily allowance. They can then apply for a one-time maternity allowance. They will receive this maternity allowance if the legal requirements are met. You can find more information here:

    Parental allowance / Family allowance

    When a family has a child, they need more money. They receive this from the Family Compensation Fund (FAK). For example, a family gets child benefit every month. Or when a child is born, the family gets a one-time birth allowance. There are also parents who live alone with their children. They then receive a single parent allowance. For parents who do not work in Liechtenstein and live abroad (cross-border commuters), there is a difference compensation. You can find more details about the benefits and the eligibility requirements here:

    Out-of-home childcare / daycare center

    Parents who work can make use of out-of-home childcare. There, trained persons take care of the children. For example, in a daycare center. There the children can play together with other children and spend the day.

    Here you can find all out-of-home childcare options. There are also daycare families, private nursery schools and childcare for school children.

    Registration for childcare

    If you would like to have your child cared for outside the home, you must register your child on the parent portal (website).
    Or you can send a request directly to your desired childcare facility.
    You can also calculate the cost of a childcare place here.

    Financing childcare

    Some parents cannot afford childcare outside the home. For this, you can apply for financial support at the Office of Social Services (ASD). This is graduated according to income. You can find more information here:

    Help, support and protection for children and adolescents

    The Office for Social Services (ASD) has the Child and Youth Service with two departments. The Department of Child and Youth Services and the Department of Support, Protection and Addiction. The following is done there:

    • Child and Youth Services:
      Families are supported here. The aim is to ensure that a family can meet the needs of children and young people. If the protection or well-being of children or young people is at risk, child and youth welfare intervenes.

    • Child and youth welfare promotes extracurricular child and youth work. For example, by providing professional support and advice to individuals and organizations. It also provides financial support.

    • The protection of children and young people creates conditions that protect children and young people from danger. Parents and teachers are supported in dealing with these dangers.

    Applications and further information can be found here:

    Separation / Divorce

    A separation or a divorce is a difficult stage of life. In both cases it takes a lot of strength. The consequences can be far-reaching. Especially if there are joint children.

      Judicial interns/court trainees

      If you would like to find out more about the process of separation or divorce, you can also contact the court interns. In simple cases, they will provide you with free information about the applicable law.

      Separation/divorce of parents

      The Office of Social Services has prepared a guide for parents in the event of separation and divorce. You can find this and further information here:

      infra - information and contact point for women

      The infra has also produced a divorce guide.

      The guidebook and further detailed information can be found on the infra website.

      In addition, infra offers a leaflet on protection for migrant women. This describes how a separation or divorce affects the right of residence.

      Financial support

      Financial support or supplementary benefits are available if you do not have a sufficient minimum income. The minimum income determines how much money a person needs at least for living, i.e. for food, clothing and housing.

      There is a legal right to these benefits. But only if certain conditions are met. You can find more information here:

      Office for Social Services

      The Office of Social Services can provide financial assistance. For example:

      Counseling and assistance

      Mothers' and fathers' advice from the Liechtenstein Red Cross

      Parents and caregivers of small children (up to five years of age) receive professional advice on the phone, during home visits and in conversation. The advice is voluntary, free of charge and confidential. It covers topics such as breastfeeding, nutrition, care, development, education and the role of parents. Some important information (breastfeeding, nutrition, illnesses) is also available in other languages.

      Pro Juventute - Mothers' and fathers' counseling

      Another offer is the mothers and fathers counseling of Pro Juventute.
      You can call there or use the chat function to ask questions about everyday life with babies or toddlers. The advice covers the topics: breastfeeding, nutrition, care, development, education, parenthood. On the homepage you will find articles, some of which are written in plain language.

      Family Network

      Stressed parents can find support, advice and guidance here.
      The offer is aimed at parents with children aged 0-5 years who find themselves in stressful situations. For example, newly arrived parents with few contacts or language barriers.

      Parent Child Forum

      The Parent Child Forum helps with various
      Questions and offers advice. For example, with childcare or parenting issues. But also when there are problems in the family. The offer is voluntary and open to all residents of Liechtenstein. The Parent Child Forum organizes courses and events on the topic of family and parenting.

      For foreign-speaking parents, there are discussion groups in their own mother tongue, the so-called "Femmestische". There, people talk about various topics such as health and education.

      Children and Youth Services

      The Office for Social Services (ASD) has a department for children and young people: the Children and Youth Service. Families with children and adolescents are supported there. For example, if they are in a crisis or difficult life situation.

      School social work

      School social work is a low-threshold service provided free of charge to public schools by the Liechtenstein Education Authority.

      It accompanies children and adolescents in the process of growing up, supports them in coping with life and promotes their skills for solving personal and social problems. Teachers and parents are strengthened in their educational tasks and the school is supported in socio-pedagogical matters.
      Further information at:

      School Psychology Service

      Some children have problems at school. For example, with learning. Or there are problems with behavior. Then the School Psychological Service can help. It supports students, parents and teachers. Detailed information can be found here:

      Rent contributions

      Families and single parents with dependent children are entitled to rent contributions. The families must live in rented accommodation and have been resident in Liechtenstein for at least one year. Application forms are available at the Office of Social Services and at all municipal administrations.
      You can obtain further information from your municipality and from the Office of Social Services.