
Liechtenstein is a principality and is located between Switzerland and Austria. About 40,000 people live here. With 160 square kilometers it is the fourth smallest state in Europe and the sixth smallest in the world.

Integration strategy

In total, people from over 100 different nations live in Liechtenstein. This means that there is great linguistic, cultural and ethnic diversity in Liechtenstein.

The study "Integration in Liechtenstein" was published in May 2020. The integration strategy was then developed on this basis. the government approved the integration strategy in 2021. The aim of the integration strategy is the good integration of all people in Liechtenstein.

Integration means that everyone lives and works well together. They stick together and accept each other. Integration is important and remains important. That is why migrants are supported and challenged.

Annual planning

The Ministry for Society has drawn up an annual plan together with a steering group. This plan sets out which projects and measures are to be implemented or launched in a given year.
The plan is evaluated with the steering group at the end of the year. A new plan is then drawn up for the following year.

The annual plan for 2023 can be found here:

Monitoring report - annual plan

The monitoring report for the 2023 annual plan provides information on the implementation status of the measures.


Promotion of integration measures

Living together and finding your way around should be easy for everyone in Liechtenstein.
The Immigration and Passport Office therefore promotes various measures. These measures should contribute to intercultural tolerance and improve mutual understanding and respect.

Further information can be found here:

Promotion of language courses

German is the official language in Liechtenstein. German language skills are an important prerequisite for good integration and for vocational training. Good language skills can increase the chances of finding a qualified, well-paid job. It also makes it easier to participate in other areas of life.
The Principality of Liechtenstein supports participation in German courses. The requirements and a list of language schools can be found here.

Contact points

Office for Vocational Training and Career Guidance (ABB)

Office for Social Services (ASD)

Foreigners and Passport Office (APA)

Caritas Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein Refugee Aid

infra - Information and Counseling Center for Women

Liechtenstein Employees' Association (LANV)

Mintegra Buchs

SKS Integration Aid Association